As the baby boom generation begins to grow older and retire, the area of law which includes pension litigation and annuity litigation is exploding. R&K has provided attorney representaion in Atlanta, Georgia, and accross the United States, in all matters related to pension law. The pension attorney today is fielding many more inquires from the aging population, regarding pensions and related issues, than ever before. What happens if a deceased spouse named his former spouse as beneficiary of a pension or life policy, and did not execute a change of beneficiary prior to death? What if the pension fund stopped monthly payments at the death of the pension holder, but the spouse's understanding is that he/she would continue to get lifetime benefits? What if a spouse or other relative is entitled to certain annuity payments, and at death, the insurance company making the payments will not pay out the remaining annuity to the next of kin? The law of pensions and annuities is contract law, and the pension or annuity documents govern what is owed. Many times the answer is not legally clear cut and litigation must be commenced in order to get a court order about continuation of pension or annuity payments. If you have a problem with your or your deceased spouse's pension or annuity, which has not been explained to your satisfaction by the plan administrator, R&K attorneys may be able to help.